This service involves cutting and splitting firewood at your site for either biomass or domestic use. We can cut logs to any required length within our range. We can also pack logs in pallet packs for quick storage and drying and also so it’s easy to move them about after their split on pallets.
Estimated work rates biomass production:
• Cutting 50cm logs softwood = 25tons/day
• Cutting 50 cm logs hardwood = 20tons/day
Timber quality effects work rates hugely. Maximum size diameter timber for processor is 36cm, (we can however cope with larger timber see below). Work rates will be lower if cutting shorter logs. As standard we charge a tonnage rate however if the timber is difficult to deal with we may have to switch to an hourly charge. Southwest firewood can deal with most timber but the worse the timber is the more expensive the job will become.
We can deal with larger timber by using a Lasco cone splitter which is also available for hire this will incur an extra cost however. We recommend customers buy timber below the 36cm max limit south west firewood can source timber for customers if required to be delivered on site.
Minimum amount for contract work away from our yard is 25 tons. This service has no distance limit but the cost of haulage will be added onto the quote. This may however be offset if the job is very large scale.
Southwest firewood will strive to meet your requirements and is keen to help new entrants into biomass in any way we can, whether this be through sourcing timber, seasoning timber or renewable heat initiative queries. We will do our best to help and if not we will try to put you in touch with someone who can.