We offer free delivery to local customers with DG postcodes. Please see the full list of DG postcodes and the associated delivery prices below. If you reside outside the DG postcode region please call the office or email us to get a price for your address. Use the map opposite to check your location or alternatively, confirmation of any delivery costs will be automatically calculated during the checkout process in our online shop.
- DG1 = Free delivery
- DG2 = Free delivery
- DG3 = £5 per order
- DG4 = £5 per order
- DG5 = £5 per order
- DG6 = £5 per order
- DG7 = £5 per order
- DG8 (call the office for a price)
- DG9 (call the office for a price)
- DG10 = Free delivery
- DG11 = Free delivery
- DG12 = £5 per order
- DG13 = £5 per order
- DG14 = £5 per order
- DG16 = £5 per order
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